Coonara vs Jindara Wood Heaters: Selecting the Right Australian Brand for Your Home thumbnail

Coonara vs Jindara Wood Heaters: Selecting the Right Australian Brand for Your Home

Published May 29, 24
1 min read

Coonara and Jindara are two of Australia's the majority of recognizable and relied on timber heating unit brand names. With so several versions available, making a decision between Coonara and Jindara can be an obstacle.

A Heritage of Australian Warmth

  • Coonara: Established in 1960, Coonara has a lengthy history of making top notch wood heaters in Australia. Their famous design and emphasis on user-friendliness have made them a house name.
  • Jindara: Established in 1974, Jindara takes satisfaction in its commitment to Australian-made craftsmanship. They provide a varied variety of timber heating systems to suit different heating demands and styles.

Function Face-Off: Coonara vs Jindara

Below's a failure of some essential features to think about when comparing Coonara and Jindara timber heaters:


  • Coonara: Coonara heating units normally flaunt efficiency rankings around 70-72%. Their focus lies on clean burning technology and straightforward procedure.
  • Jindara: Jindara uses a series of heating systems with varying performance rankings. Some versions attain ratings exceeding 75%, while others drop closer to the 65% standard. Jindara focuses on clean burning technology however also offers a broader variety of heating outcomes.

Home Heating Capacity:

  • Coonara: Coonara heating units deal with a variety of heating needs. Their variety consists of designs ideal for tiny space as much as larger open-plan areas.
  • Jindara: Jindara offers a comparable variety of home heating capacities as Coonara. You'll find heating units matched for smaller spaces approximately those created for large locations.

Flue Options:

  • Coonara: Coonara heating units typically need a straight flue system for airing vent.
  • Jindara: Jindara uses a bigger selection of flue options. While some versions need a straight flue, others feature suitable flue sets that enable for bends and enhanced adaptability in installation. This can be advantageous for areas with minimal airing vent alternatives.

Firebox and Modern Technology:

  • Coonara: Coonara heating systems include cast iron fireboxes recognized for their durability and heat retention. While not all versions include it, some Coonara heaters incorporate a secondary burning system to improve performance.
  • Jindara: Jindara also uses actors iron fireboxes for long life. Their higher-efficiency models typically include second burning chambers for cleaner burning and enhanced heat extraction.

Design And Style:

  • Coonara: Coonara heating systems are known for their timeless and classic layout. They supply a range of coatings, including black and enamel, to match various home visual appeals.
  • Jindara: Jindara heating systems can be found in a bigger variety of modern and typical styles. You'll find choices with smooth coatings, glass watching panels, and contemporary aesthetic appeals to suit numerous interior decoration choices.

Service Warranty:


  • Coonara: Coonara offers a standard 10-year warranty on their fireboxes.
  • Jindara: Jindara offers a 10-year guarantee on their fireboxes as well.


  • Coonara: Coonara heaters normally drop within a mid-range rate factor, making them a good worth for their quality and functions.
  • Jindara: Jindara heating systems can range in price depending upon the model and features. Their higher-efficiency versions may come with a slightly higher price.

Making the Choice: Coonara vs Jindara

Right here's a fast guide to assist you make a decision based upon your priorities:

  • Prioritize performance and clean burning: If making the most of performance is your top issue, Jindara provides some versions with a little higher performance scores.
  • Required a flexible flue option: If you have restrictions in your flue airing vent system, Jindara's wider flue choices could be better.
  • Worth a timeless style: If you like a timeless aesthetic, Coonara's traditional heating units may be the much better option.
  • Searching for modern designing: For a contemporary look, Jindara uses a broader array of contemporary styles.
  • Budget is a major element: Coonara heating systems generally drop within a mid-range rate point, while Jindara's expense can differ depending upon the version.
coonarawood heatercoonarawood fireplace

Beyond the Brands: Crucial Factors To Consider

Whichever brand name you choose, bear in mind these elements when choosing a wood heating unit:

  • Home Heating Capacity: Make sure the heating system has sufficient ability to successfully warm your preferred living area.
  • Setup: Correct installation by